How to Unsleep an App on Android: Quick and Easy Guide

How to Unsleep an App on Android?

How to Unsleep an App on Android? Do your Android apps stop working properly or pause unexpectedly when in the background? This happens because the system puts them to sleep to optimize battery life. Thankfully, Android provides controls to unsleep specific apps so they run without restrictions. This article will go through the steps to unsleep apps on Android for uninterrupted performance.

How to Unsleep an App on Android: Quick and Easy Guide

Do you ever feel frustrated when your Android apps don’t work properly or send notifications late? The culprit could be that these apps are sleeping too much in the background. Android intelligently manages background apps to optimize battery life. However, this can negatively impact app functionality if taken too far. Thankfully, Android provides controls to configure battery settings on a per-app basis. You can allow certain apps to run unrestricted without any battery saving limitations. This article will go through the steps to unsleep apps on Android so you can enjoy uninterrupted performance. Dive deeper into smartphone customization and personalization with our tips on how to use iPhone fonts on Android.

What Does It Mean When an App Is Sleeping?

Android does not completely close background apps. Instead, it puts them in a suspended state so they consume fewer system resources like CPU, memory and battery. The downsides of heavy sleeping are:

  • Delayed or missed notifications from email, messaging, social media and other apps. This can lead to missed messages.
  • Loss of connectivity and syncing issues in apps that rely on constant data transfer. For example, fitness trackers, digital assistants, automations etc.
  • Music or podcast apps that stop playing when you switch to another screen.
  • Problems with apps that track real time location in the background for features like weather, commuting alerts, life logging etc.
  • Companion apps like smartwatch apps, IoT controllers, second screen apps etc that lose connection with the primary app.
  • Multi-window and split screen apps that pause unexpectedly when not in focus.

So in summary, sleeping apps can lead to delayed notifications, interrupted user experiences and syncing errors. For apps that need to always run actively, you can configure them to be “unslept”.

Access App Info to Adjust Battery Settings

  • The first step is to open the app info screen for the specific app you want to unsleep. There are two ways to access it:

From App Icon

Long press and hold on the app icon. A popup menu appears. Choose the App Info option which has the symbol.

From Settings

  • Open Settings > Apps & Notifications. Select See All Apps. Now choose the app. Tap Advanced > Battery.

This will open the app info screen with Battery settings for that app. Here you can view battery usage details and adjust restrictions.

Enable Unrestricted Mode

Under Battery usage, tap on the drop down menu. By default, most apps will have Optimized selected. This enables battery saving restrictions.

Choose Unrestricted instead. This makes the app exempt from optimizations. It can now run unfettered in the background without any battery or data saving limitations.

The app icon will also no longer appear with a sleep symbol in the recent apps view. It is now unsleeped.

Reset to Default Optimization

You can revert back to default optimized mode anytime:

  1. Open the app’s Battery usage screen again.
  2. Tap on the drop down menu and select Optimized to re-enable battery optimization.

The app will once again be subject to background restrictions and sleeping.

So in summary, you can toggle between Optimized and Unrestricted modes for granular control over an app’s background behavior.

Use Samsung Battery and Device Care

Samsung phones have an additional settings menu to control battery usage.

  • Open Settings and tap on Battery and Device Care. Select Battery. Then choose Background Usage Limits.
  • This screen shows you the list of apps with usage limits. Tap on Add Apps.
  • You can now select apps to be added to the Never Sleeping Apps section. These apps will have no battery restrictions applied.
  • To remove an app, tap the 3 dot menu on the right and select Remove from Never Sleeping Apps.

So Samsung users get more options to configure per-app battery behavior.

Lock Apps in Recent Apps (Xiaomi)

MIUI from Xiaomi has its own way to keep apps awake in memory.

  • Swipe up from the bottom to open Recent Apps. Long press on the app preview card. A popup menu appears.
  • Tap the padlock icon in the top left corner. This locks the app in memory so it won’t be closed.
  • To unlock, repeat the steps and tap on the unlocked padlock icon.

This is useful for messaging, music and other apps that need to keep running actively.

Benefits of Unsleeping Apps

Adjusting battery settings is an easy way to stop excessive sleeping behavior in Android apps. Here are some benefits of unsleeping apps:

  • Receive notifications promptly without any delay. Stay up-to-date with messages and alerts.
  • Enjoy uninterrupted user experiences. Apps work reliably without sporadic pausing, stuttering or disconnections.
  • Prevent syncing errors in apps that rely on constant data transfer with a companion service. Fitness wearables and automations work flawlessly.
  • Location tracking and weather monitoring apps work accurately with continued background access.
  • Music and podcasts don’t stop when you switch apps. Seamless audio playback.
  • Multi-window and split screen apps don’t pause unexpectedly when not in focus.
  • Control enabled selectively on a per app basis, instead of global system changes. Customize only for needed apps.
  • Settings persist through device reboots. You don’t have to reconfigure every time.

So in summary, unsleeping apps improves notification delivery, app reliability and performance by preventing unwanted background restrictions.

There are some third party apps that can help control battery usage and sleeping behavior:

  • App hibernation apps – These can automatically hibernate apps you don’t use often to reduce battery drain.
  • Battery optimization apps – Such apps provide fine grained settings and automation to manage battery usage.
  • Background process managers – These take a more aggressive approach to actively block or modify background behavior. Needs rooted access.

However, the native Android settings offer a simple first approach without installing more apps.


To stop Android apps from sleeping excessively, go through these steps:

  • Open battery optimization settings for the required app either from its app info screen or in Settings.
  • Toggle the mode to Unrestricted to disable battery saving restrictions. This unsleeeps the app.
  • Samsung phones have an extra Never Sleeping Apps menu under Battery settings.
  • On Xiaomi devices, lock apps in recent apps view to keep active in memory.

Adjusting these simple native options is enough to unsleep problematic apps. As a result, you can enjoy timely notifications, uninterrupted usage and reliable performance. Give it a try for messaging, email, music, fitness and other apps that misbehave due to aggressive background sleeping.

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