How to Find Large Files in Linux

(How to Find Large Files in Linux) With increasing data, organizations may feel the heat, and disk space might become an issue due to the growth of a Linux system. Detection of large files present on a system is significant for its efficient control over the storage system. Fortunately, Linux can easily find these files in several ways; the way and command-line methods are given below.
In the following section, you will learn how to search for large files in Linux using several approaches.

Method 1: Using the find Command

The find command is a powerful tool for searching files and directories based on different criteria, including file size.

Basic Syntax:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

Find files larger than 100MB:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

/: Start searching from the root directory.

-type f: Look for files only.

-size +100M: Find files larger than 100MB.

Find files smaller than 1GB:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

/home: Search within the home directory.

-size -1G: Files smaller than 1GB.

Find files in a specific directory:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

This searches for files larger than 50MB in the /var/log directory.

Method 2: Using du and sort Commands

The du command displays disk usage for files and directories, which can be combined with sort for better analysis.

Find and sort large files in a directory

How to Find Large Files in Linux

-a: Include files and directories.

-h: Display sizes in human-readable format (e.g., MB, GB).

sort -rh: Sort results in reverse order by size.

head -n 10: Show the top 10 largest files or directories.

Check disk usage of all directories:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

-s: Summarize the total size of each directory.

/*: Check all directories in the root.

2>/dev/null: Suppress error messages for inaccessible directories.

Method 3: Using ls Command

The ls command can display file sizes when used with specific options.
List files sorted by size:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

-l: Use the long listing format.

-S: Sort by file size in descending order.

List the largest files:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

-h: Show sizes in a human-readable format.

head -n 10: Display the top 10 largest files.

Method 4: Using ncdu for Interactive Search

The ncdu (NCurses Disk Usage) tool provides an interactive interface for analyzing disk usage.
For most distributions, install it with:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

Run ncdu in the terminal:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

Navigate through the directories using arrow keys.
Identify and delete large files interactively.

Method 5: Using Graphical Tools

If you prefer a graphical interface, several disk usage analyzers are available.
Popular Tools:

Baobab (Disk Usage Analyzer):
Pre-installed in many Linux distributions.
Launch it with:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

Visualize disk usage with charts and easily identify large files.

Filelight (for KDE-based environments):
Install it via your package manager:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

Provides an intuitive graphical representation of disk usage.

Tips for Managing Large Files

Delete Unnecessary Files: After identifying large files, remove the ones you no longer need using the rm command:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

Compress Large Files: Use tools like gzip or zip to compress files and save space:

How to Find Large Files in Linux

Use External Storage: Move less frequently used large files to external drives or cloud storage.


The identification and management of large files in Linux environments are of great importance to a faultless system’s performance. While plain CLI apps such as Find and Du are popular methods, there are also GUI tools of equal effectiveness, such as Baobab. Thus, unearthing a resource that will give you back more disk space for your computer, and help you maintain top performance.

Therefore, if you monitor your disk usage and look for large files frequently you will be able to avoid the situation where your system runs out of disk space suddenly. Use them jointly with good paperwork to keep your system in order Most of these tools should be used in conjunction with good paperwork to keep your systems in check. Disk space management is flexible since Linux and its utilities support powerful and simple functions.

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