How to Delete a Directory in Linux

(How to Delete a Directory in Linux) Since Linux is a strong and versatile OS, numerous approaches exist to perform file and directory operations. If you wish to remove a directory, many commands in Linux make this kind of job very easy for the user. This article discusses a few methods for removing a directory with examples, including both the GUI and CLI ways. We shall mostly concentrate on command-line techniques since they are efficient and popular with system administrators.

1. Exploring Directory Deletion in Linux

Before diving into the commands, it’s essential to understand that there are two types of directories you might need to delete:
Empty Directories: These have no file or subdirectories.
Non-Empty Directories: This may contain files, subdirectories, or both. Just as a portion of lifting safely and correctly depends on knowing whether there is something in your hand or not, you must know if the directory you are deleting is empty or not as the syntax of the command is slightly different.

Deleting an Empty Directory

Using the rmdir Command

  • The rmdir command works only for the removal of folders and has to be an empty folder to be deleted. The syntax is as follows:
How to Delete a Directory in Linux
  • For example, to delete an empty directory named old_files, you would run:
How to Delete a Directory in Linux
  • If the directory is not empty, the rmdir command will return an error.

Options for rmdir:

  • -p (parents): If you wish to remove numerous nested subdirectories, the -p option supports the removal of the parent directories provided they are empty.
How to Delete a Directory in Linux

Using the rm Command:

  • On the other hand, rmdir command works only if the directory is empty, and in deleting full directories, one can use the rm command. However, if you want to delete an empty directory specifically, the syntax is:
How to Delete a Directory in Linux

This will remove the empty directory just like rmdir.

3. Deletion of a directory which contains files: Uncommented

This means that to remove an empty directory, one requires the rm command and special options if it contains other files that need to be deleted as well.

Using the rm -r Command
The -r option lets them delete a directory together with all files and subdirectories contained in it. The syntax is:

How to Delete a Directory in Linux
  • For example, to delete a directory called project_backup that contains files and subdirectories:
How to Delete a Directory in Linux
  • This will recursively delete all the contents in project_backup including sub-directories and the directory project_backup itself.

Important Options for rm:

  • -f (force): This option deleted the disk having no other choice but to do it without asking for permission, it comes in handy if you working with write write-protected disc.
How to Delete a Directory in Linux
  • This command not only removes the directory and everything else in it, but it does so without prompting for permission first (be careful with it!)
  • -i (interactive): If you wish to be questioned before your machine deletes each file or subdirectory, enter -i. This is handy to prevent delete operations mistakenly.
How to Delete a Directory in Linux

Using the find Command

For other complicated deletion challenges like deleting certain types of files in a given directory before deleting the directory, you can use the find command. For example, to delete all .txt files inside a directory and then remove the directory:

How to Delete a Directory in Linux

Whereas this method only lets you set file types, this method lets you set conditions to make you more specific.

4. Deleting Directories via GUI

As mentioned earlier, the command-line methods are powerful and flexible, but many more Linux distributions with another graphical user interface, provide options for deletion of directories as well.

Steps to Delete a Directory via GUI:
Open the File Manager: This will be Nautilus if you are using GNOME, Dolphin if KDE, or Thunar if XFCE.
Navigate to the Directory: Access the directory of your choice by using the directory path displayed on the toolbar.
Right-click on the Directory: Go to the directory and double-click it, tap on it, and do a right-click.
Choose “Move to Trash”: This will open the directory and drag and drop it onto the recycle bin where it can be deleted for good.
Empty the Trash: Once the directory is in the trash you can either remove it for good by right-clicking on the trash can and selecting ‘empty trash’.

5. Handling Permissions Issues

Now and again, you may experience permission-related problems while trying to erase a directory. In such situations, you may require the usage of sudo to delete a directory with elevated privileges.

For example:

How to Delete a Directory in Linux

Using sudo means that you have a root level permission hence meaning that you can delete directories that a normal user cannot delete.

6. Warnings and Precautions

Always double-check before using rm -rf: This command does not require any confirmation and when entered wrong it can delete everything including necessary information.
Back up important data: Whenever you want to delete directories, make sure this is what you want to do, and if there are any important files on those directories, always make sure you have a backup.
Pay attention to permissions: You must delete the system directories with root access, this can severely damage your system. Be careful when using sudo.


To erase directories in Linux, there are a few steps, it does not matter if the directory is empty or not. The rmdir command comes in handy where there are directories without any files and no subdirectory, and for any other directories with files in it or subdirectory, there is rm -r. Knowledge of when and how to use these commands will be beneficial in controlling the system effectively. As you will learn in the coming topics, these tools provide you with a means of safely and effectively eradicating directories that are undesired within your Linux environment.

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